Delay 2.0

By on April 1, 2019 in Uncategorized

So this is April 1st, and you guessed it, still no second book. I am so sorry for this second delay, but it is really out of my hands. : ( As you heard, my editor is going through a really hard time, and I don’t want to pressure her. I worked hard to get that second book finished, so there would be no lag in the story, but fate, it seems, has other ideas.

So in the meantime, I will work on other stories. The Emperor’s Wolf sequel is presently stuck, so I will work on two new ones.

Sarah, the second Siren’s Call book is officially started!!

As soon as I hear anything at all, I will let you all know. In the meantime, enjoy April. The snow is almost gone here and I can’t wait for green grass!!

Take Care


 5 Responses to “Delay 2.0”

  1. Ilka says:

    sad that it’s delayed but still looking forward to it coming out. sirens call is one of my favorites, happy that you are working on the sequel 🙂

  2. Bogusia says:

    Thanks for the update 🙂 Keep up the good writing! Can’t wait until the next book is released.

  3. Sarah says:

    Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my GOD!

    OK so, I’m not actually on Facebook (I’m nowhere near organised enough to keep up to date with things like that), but I do tend to trill through my favorite authors’ Facebook feeds/websites for updates and tidbits and just popped on your Facebook feed….then I saw *big inhale to calm excited nerves*….I saw that you’ve started a sequel to Siren’s call?!


    I actually let out a fan girl scream!!! No word of a lie, I DID scream with joy, which is not good considering its nearly midnight here. Lol.

    This is the absolute BEST news I’ve heard all day… all moth… all YEAR!!!!!! I am so happy, I can’t even tell you!!!!

    Sexy pirates galore!!! Oh my god, Oh my god!!!! Sooooooo excited!!

    Are the same characters going to appear or is it going to be a story with different characters?

    Thank you so much!!

    All the best


  4. Sarah says:

    Also… why didn’t I think to check here first for news on my sexy pirate?!!


  5. Shanna says:

    Any updates on your next release?